Make the most of your team

At Sera, we believe decentralized growing operations are not only inefficient, they’re dangerous. One grower per compartment, means inconsistent quality, unnecessary redundancy, and increased operational risk. With Sera, there’s a better way.

Centralise Expertise

Reduce redundancy
Avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and start scaling. Growing is a core competency. If you’re going big, you can’t afford to outsource it.
Minimize disruptions
Let’s face it, growers are scarce and often fickle. Sera helps you protect yourself from disruptions and ensure the continuity of your operations.
Maximize consistency
Make sure your team is pulling in the same direction. Afterall, best practices are only useful if they’re being used.

How we can help

Cultivation plans
Start setting ambitious goals that translate into concrete actions. Our planning tools make sure your entire organization is on the same page.
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Standard KPIs/Reporting
Get oversight at scale. Our standardized reporting helps you track performance and keep your team accountable.
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Stay in control of your cultivation with continuous monitoring. Because your entire team should know when things are on track (and even more importantly when they’re not).
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Check out the platform overview
What's next?
Simplify operations
Growing is hard. As a grower, you make dozens of decisions everyday that can make or break your cultivation targets. Sera helps you bring method to the madness with formalized decision making and oversight.